Friday, July 2, 2010


We have all been given the Rest of the Story. By that I mean... the BOOK has been written! We have the last chapter! We know who wins in the end!

...So why at times do I live my life like there is a question mark at the end instead of an exclamation point? I can get bogged down in the here and now, so much so that I lose the sense of ultimate victory! If a team is down at the end of the half, but could somehow know that at the final buzzer they were going to win no questions asked, would there be sorrow or cheers in the locker room?? I dare say they would be relishing in the fact that the opponent thinks they have it in the bag, but they know who will have the last laugh.

Pardon the simplifying of the analogy, but we will have the last laugh! Satan KNOWS he is defeated... but he also knows we will believe his lies. He knows that just a little whisper of doubt or a niggle of worry can set us into a tail spin, and lessen our resolve, nullify our prayer life, and completely negate any impact we will have on eternal things.

WE MUST STAND FAST!! In the midst of seemingly impossible financial burdens and even while facing health issues that we have absolutely no control over, we must NOT lose sight of the One who knows the beginning from the end! He has a plan, and is right now working on our behalf to bring an expected end to it all... with us standing victoriously by His side!!! Talk about something to be excited about!!!
Suffice it to say... if there is any confusion, it is rested solely in our laps. We have no excuse! We have the Book! While God did not spell out all of the "moment by moment" events - the "who scored what, when, and where"- that does not give us an excuse to wallow in pity, worry or doubt. Back to the sports analogy- the players do not regale their victory until after the game is over! While they are encouraged in the midst of the skirmish by a coach or fellow player, they are focused on the game and pursue victory.


Be encouraged! Provoke one another unto love and good works! Don't get caught up in the tedious details of what it looks like from the narrow vantage point we are given. Truly we have a GREAT GOD who is ALWAYS seeking to do EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL WE ASK OR THINK!!!!

Believest thou this???


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