Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mission Monday on Tuesday

This may be a regular post heading! I had a great weekend at our church's ladies retreat, but with all the fun came very little sleep, and Monday was not kind to me!

But I do have a report!

Through a friend who knows someone who knows a shop teacher at a school 2 hours away we were able to further our knowledge in the field of... drum roll please... Fish Farming!!!!

I know, you all saw that coming so why all the drama, right? HA! I wouldn't have guessed in many lifetimes that I would actively pursue the field of anything related to fish... remember this post?! Well, things change!

My husband is a Mr. Steady straight on and right down the center and I LOVE THAT!!! Mr. P, the man we are preparing to partner with is a Mr. Command and that works very well for him. However... get the two of them together and they both become Mr. Visionaries , and that is a little ... well... enough to make me pray a lot!

So... fish ponds!

This is the whole set up. It is self contained, and uses a sump pump for water circulation. The guys are seeking alternative energy such as solar, wind, and bio-diesel, as the reliability of the electricity sources are at best just OK. (For you more astute readers, you noticed the three other topics of future MM posts... yes you did! )

Here are all the little Tilapia swimming in their pretty blue bucket! It is a 500 gallon tank, and there are about 40 fish just loving life! They are seldom harvested from this classroom, and a few are upwards to 14"! I actually have tried Tilapia... very mild tasting, and full of protein. Something many Zambians are seriously lacking!

The vision is to raise up a mission that is able to train nationals in the Word, but also to give them ways to feed their families/village, generate income, become energy independent, and equipped in more ways than may be available easily to the average African. Thus, the Lord is blessing in so many ways here stateside with people coming to them, and introducing them to people who know this stuff like their own name, and offering to teach them how to do these things! It is a great thing to be part of God's plan! I feel like my hair is blowing behind me with the speed that things happen, but it's all good!

I also had the opportunity to tell the ladies at the retreat about what is going on with my family, how we got to this point,where we are in our trek, and where we feel the Lord is leading. I had no warning I would be given this opportunity, and I was less than all put together and calm! I knew so many of those women, and was still a nervous wreck! The Lord is so good and I think they got the general gist. But... I do think I am going to start keeping with me a 6 bullet point outline complete with Bible verses and a poem for moments such as these! I really enjoy telling others about the faithfulness of God and where he has brought our family... I would just like to do it well! One minute I was putting on chapstick sitting in the back of the room awaiting a nice lunch, and the next minute I was feeling so nervous I couldn't even imagine eating an ice cube! My how life can change on a dime!!! (Thanks Louise for the opportunity... it really was a blessing! )

Well, more to come for sure! Please pray for Dan as he gathers information for these ventures. Pray for people who are willing to teach him for free! Also pray for the finances, as all of this costs money! It will all pay off eventually, but as everyone knows there must be an initial investment!


Victoria said...

I LOVE my Mr. Steady!!!

KP's a command? No kidding.

Megan said...

Thanks for stopping by earlier! So are you in Africa right now? (I might be a little slow on the draw here...)

Savannah said...

Hello! Sounds like a good time for the both of you...You are so awesome to put everything I want to know right here on this handy-dandy blog;)...Did I mention my grandaddy had catfish farms? Wish that meant I knew anything about them- but I don't! HA;) just wanted to put my 2 cents in;) hehe

Praying for Dan that he discovers all the positives about fish farming, so he presents it well and gets that ball running! Praying for the money it takes to start all of this too.

Here's some encouragement! Bro.Freret (BEAMS Coordinator)gave out plastic piggy bank bibles during the Faith Promise Giving revival...he told everyone on Wed to put all their spare change in and on Sun turn it back in. You won't believe how much they found in those little bibles filled with loose change! $1371.09!! Amen! That HAD to be God. The money is going for bibes in Zambia too!

Love to you all:-)!


Janice said...

Megan, I emailed you the "fill-in"! Thanks for the comment!

Vannah- are there any extra little piggy banks? They sound like the vessels that were filled with oil... just kept on a pouring!

Mrs. Vicky Smith said...

Ok, so your hidden links must mean that you want us all to read "Created to be his Helpmeet"? www.createdtobehishelpmeet.org/

I am always looking for ideas for our Young Ladies SS Class! We actually went through a similar series last year but I find that repetition helps it stick.

Praying for the fish venture!

Anonymous said...

I believe you were about to apply lip gloss not chapstick. LOL :-)

It was great to hear how the Lord has brought you and your family to this point and it is great to see the things He is doing with you and your family now. You all are a blessing!!!!! Not to mention tons o fun! :-) love ya

Janice said...

It wasn't very glossy... and I thought chapstick sounded more conservative! Thanks for ratting me out!...

hey did you know I have a video of a certain girl eating marshmallows...!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait (for the fish updates and the vid)!
~orange girl

Anonymous said...

Now that is just mean! Come to think of it maybe it was chapstick! LOL :-)