I loves this- I always thought the sea had crushed up so many rocks that it had created the sand borders. God makes it clear in this verse that He made the sand as the bound of the sea. So much force to be contained by such small grains of sand. Oh that I would fear Him more!
God is such a person of order and pattern. His character is immutable, and because of this trait I can rest fully on who I know Him to be from the Bible. He will never change- and I find great comfort in this!
One way I know God works is in His way of "frame work then fill in". It is a "pattern of process" He uses to make things, to do things, and there are many examples of it.
One example is in the six days of creation. Days 1, 2, and 3 were the frame work and were "filled up" in days 4, 5, and 6.
Day 1-created Light and dark ... Day 4- created sun moon and stars
Day 2- created Heavens and waters... Day 5- created birds and fish
Day 3- created Earth and herbs and grasses... Day 6- created living creatures and man
Another example is the Bible itself. The first books are an over view-the frame work- of such a huge span of time, and the ones following are many of details. The minor prophets fill in the events and stories of the books of history and so on.
So how does this apply to me and my family's mission?
God has given us the framework- our Salvation, the Bible, gifts and talents- and He is teaching us and guiding our steps to places and experiences that will equip us for the accomplishing of the vision he has given to my husband. We are by no means even a little ready for it! This journey wasn't even in the back of our minds, let alone something we discussed as a course for our family. We are learning God's plans and putting feet to them. "Plodding the Course" is what this blog is named for this very reason! We are not the plotters of this path- God is! We are the walkers of it.
(I know if you look up the exact definition of "plod", it seems a little depressing, and not quite an accurate depiction of how we are actually making this journey. It just was a good word twist. Instead of "Plotting the Course" implying we are setting the course, we are walking a course the God is setting. Get it?!)
We are continually learning more of God, His word, His character, and love for us. It strengthens

This is some of our "filling in" process. It is all part of preparing our family for the mission field of Zambia. We are so excited for the journey, and are enjoying the process. I know we can only become prepared as we allow God to move in our lives, to conform us and make of us vessels fit for His purpose. It is also true that until we are ready, God will not relocate our family! We won't do out of Jerusalem what we don't do in!
Some prayer requests!
~ The trip in Naples to be profitable, that God would go before and prepare the hearts of the people
~ This week as ERM is here ministering to our teens at FBBC. Revival!
~ For the Tsoukalas' as they continue their BIG MOVE PREP!
~ For Dan as institute is in full swing! What a huge course load!