All hitched up and ready to go. I loved it when we had the two together how it looked like we had the color choice planned. Don't you think the golden fawn color is beautiful?
Like the Titanic was beautiful. Beautiful until all of the deer are attracted to it like an irresistible magnet!
Less than two full hours into the trip three (not one, not even two... ThReE!! in lovely "Ducks in a row" fashion!) beautiful, pain-in-the-neck deer decide to cross in front of us. While we were on the thruway. Going 65 miles per hour. With close to 50 feet of vehicle in length. And nigh up to 10, 000 pounds. Something was not going to make it. Needless to say, the deer literally never knew what hit him. And we were shocked at the damage to our vehicle- the impact felt like barely a bug hitting the wind sheild.
Cell phones to the rescue- not to call 911... to mobile upload to facebook! (And NO... that is not blood! Well it is my van's blood... radiator fluid!) The second little duck err... deer decided he was going to turn around and look back at the third deer still WiSeLy standing on the shoulder to the right. I so would have preferred he turned into a pillar of salt at impact as opposed to the 200+ pounds of flesh! And I do NOT recommend grilled-steamed deer meat with an anti-freeze marinade. I am just sayin'.
Because we were on I-90, we had to use a state contracted towing company to take us the 1.5 miles to the next exit. Thank the LORD it was only that far. I think I am going to suggest my boys go into some kind of profession the state subcontracts to. They will do quite well!
All in all, we are well, safe, and SO THANKFUL for friends that we can call to come over 75 miles (one way) at 10pm to flat bed and tow us home. Bob and Toma... truly you are gifts from the Lord, and we pray God's bountiful blessings upon you for your generosity and spirit of a servant! In light of the events of May 17, 2010, this was surely not a big deal. Perhaps our plans have been rerouted a little, but this will not change our lives forever. Our prayers and love go out to the Ireland family. Truly God loves us with a perfect love, regardless of what it feels like in the moment. Our faith is what sustains us. And not because we have such strong faith, but because it is in the One who is mightier than all else.

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