Monday, April 12, 2010

Monsters in my Local Creek...

My boys love to go fishing. We have a little creek near our house that is MaYbE waist deep during spring thaw and after a few full days of hard rain.  Being it is walking distance from home, it is the fishing place of choice. The bait of choice is left over macaroni and cheese. Box type works best. Well, that is usually all we have too. Though, a hot dog or left over turkey works too. The whole lot of them thar fishies are carnivores to be sure.  The other day they came home so excited and pumped. PuMpEd!!! I tell you! Their cell phones were scrolling and pix-ing all their friends and their FB accounts like mad in order to tell their whole world of their deadliest catch.

Let me tell you, they were sure Discovery channel would be calling for an interview. Their Dad was on the cell grilling them about the details- every last one- "What bait did you use?"... "In our little creek you say?" ... "What pound test was on the pole?" ... "Which Pole did you use?"... "Without a net??"... they were bonding over this, let me tell you!

And rightfully so! I mean ... Look at this BEAST!!

If you know my son at all, you know he is Over 6 ft tall! That is a monster! Surprisingly the little 2x4 bridge is able to hold them both! His face is grimacing against the weight.

Here he is... surely straining his muscles well beyond their natural abilities. One handed I tell you!!!
AmAzInG!!!! You can see he still has the pole in his right hand. Proof he landed that beast!

OK... lest you never believe me again...

scroll down...



I must confess...

Cell phones can take really cool pictures...

and combine that with the brains of two brothers...

Teen age brothers...

and you just never know what you will end up with.

Here, friends... is a more accurate... if not a bit of a let down... picture.

Really. I didn't believe it either. I truly believed there were monsters in the creek. They just crack me up sometimes.

Love these boys!!!



Jeannine said...

oh my goodness, you so had me! lol

jen said...

your boys crack me up!