Sunday, September 5, 2010

Stories from the Road... Cows will chew the Kudzu

As we drove through North Carolina and then into South Carolina, we couldn't help but notice this plant along the sides of the road. Kudzu is it's name.  it is this incredible, climbing vine that will literally cover anything in its path.  The effect is quite pretty, if not a little weird at the same time. 

The above photo is taken from this site where I got the low down on this plant. I also looked here to see exactly what eats this very prolific foliage. These pictures are ones I took tonight on the way home from church, and believe me I had plenty of photo locations to choose from! 
It literally grows up, over, on, or through anything. The joke is it will grow into your windows at night if you don't shut them. Believe me, they don't even open them to begin with... it is hot all the time and the AC units are running full tilt! 
It makes everything in it's path kind of Dr Seuss-ish. Everything becomes a shape of something. Sometimes I think it looks like a giraffe, other times an elephant. Dinosaurs are a common look as well. In general though, the land just looks like gentle mounds of flowing green leaves. Almost like liquid plants covering anything in it's path. It literally leaves it's supporting plant completely covered, never to see the sun again. And yes, that also means dead. Boy, that could be a spiritual application to sin, but I am a little tired and will let you work up that devotional for yourself. 
 This is where I thought it looked the coolest. It is used as an erosion preventer, for good reason! It literally grows while you watch it! The tendril vines seem to be ever searching for the next inch it can reach. The red SC dirt is, seemingly, perfect soil for this plant. The entire bank of the train tracks are covered as far as you can see. They have become a living green carpet of broad leaves along the miles and miles of track.

Thankfully there is something to stop it. But I don't recommend letting cows and angora goats run loose to graze along the tracks.


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