Monday, September 24, 2007
Mission InProgress #4- Immutable God.
I loves this- I always thought the sea had crushed up so many rocks that it had created the sand borders. God makes it clear in this verse that He made the sand as the bound of the sea. So much force to be contained by such small grains of sand. Oh that I would fear Him more!
God is such a person of order and pattern. His character is immutable, and because of this trait I can rest fully on who I know Him to be from the Bible. He will never change- and I find great comfort in this!
One way I know God works is in His way of "frame work then fill in". It is a "pattern of process" He uses to make things, to do things, and there are many examples of it.
One example is in the six days of creation. Days 1, 2, and 3 were the frame work and were "filled up" in days 4, 5, and 6.
Day 1-created Light and dark ... Day 4- created sun moon and stars
Day 2- created Heavens and waters... Day 5- created birds and fish
Day 3- created Earth and herbs and grasses... Day 6- created living creatures and man
Another example is the Bible itself. The first books are an over view-the frame work- of such a huge span of time, and the ones following are many of details. The minor prophets fill in the events and stories of the books of history and so on.
So how does this apply to me and my family's mission?
God has given us the framework- our Salvation, the Bible, gifts and talents- and He is teaching us and guiding our steps to places and experiences that will equip us for the accomplishing of the vision he has given to my husband. We are by no means even a little ready for it! This journey wasn't even in the back of our minds, let alone something we discussed as a course for our family. We are learning God's plans and putting feet to them. "Plodding the Course" is what this blog is named for this very reason! We are not the plotters of this path- God is! We are the walkers of it.
(I know if you look up the exact definition of "plod", it seems a little depressing, and not quite an accurate depiction of how we are actually making this journey. It just was a good word twist. Instead of "Plotting the Course" implying we are setting the course, we are walking a course the God is setting. Get it?!)
We are continually learning more of God, His word, His character, and love for us. It strengthens our faith, encourages our spirit, and emboldens us for the proclaiming of the Gospel. We are being given opportunities to practice what we preach! This weekend our family will be going to Naples and helping a the Street's evangelize this little town. They are long time mentors in the faith, and we are so blessed to have this opportunity. Potentially 100,000 people will be there for the annual Grape Festival. Perhaps even one will be reached for the Glory of God! Our children will be side by side with us, working in the fields, tilling, watering and maybe even sharing in the harvest!
This is some of our "filling in" process. It is all part of preparing our family for the mission field of Zambia. We are so excited for the journey, and are enjoying the process. I know we can only become prepared as we allow God to move in our lives, to conform us and make of us vessels fit for His purpose. It is also true that until we are ready, God will not relocate our family! We won't do out of Jerusalem what we don't do in!
Some prayer requests!
~ The trip in Naples to be profitable, that God would go before and prepare the hearts of the people
~ This week as ERM is here ministering to our teens at FBBC. Revival!
~ For the Tsoukalas' as they continue their BIG MOVE PREP!
~ For Dan as institute is in full swing! What a huge course load!
Friday, September 21, 2007
A week in the life...
I have posted so many things in my head, just not even a second to type it all down. I am remembering afresh the hectic schedule of the school year, and it is not even through the first month!
O. is now working, and while it is wonderful that she is earning money to cover her ever growing expenses, I already see a new phase of more independence. I look back to my life and see some of the pitfalls I had, and pray we can help her prevent them for herself. She has a much firmer foundation than I had, and that will only help!
J. is doing very well in Pre- algebra. If that is all I said
about him, it is excellent! He is mid 13, and becoming
such a nice young man. He and I always had a communication struggle- and I am so thankful for the lessening of this! It is amazing how one night I said good night to this little boy, and the next morning he was over 5'7", and talking with a man's voice! Well at least my friends don't call him "Jan" when he answers the phone! (they all think they have the wrong number!)
L., as was previously posted, has become a "regular extra" (?!) on the movie set of "The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry". It was originally thought to be a one shot thing, and has now become about 6 scenes that he is in! I am already planning the party when the movie is released! He was really reluctant at first, but has warmed up quite well to the whole idea! Oh, and he is doing great in school! :) He is the one in the middle of the picture!
M. , well, he is 9. Need I say more? I know, that can be taken so many ways! He is less than excited about school, and more than ready to find any way to avoid it! He and Dad are spending plenty of time together reading and studying, and this has been a huge blessing. It has encouraged M. and given me a little time off... whatever that is!
S. What can I say! This child is a whirlwind of energy,
an encourager of her siblings, and a budding genius!
(I may be a little partial!) She is a constant source of chatter, full of questions, comments, and sometimes brilliant observation. We are all taking turns keeping her occupied, trying to teach her her letters and numbers. Her independent nature shines brilliantly through in the way she comes up with unique ways to write the letter "S", or draw a self created "duck". We know it is a duck... because she said it is!
Well, I am off to the store! We are hosting two young ladies from ERM this week. It should be a great time of church, ministry, singing, bonfires, Schallers and Abbotts! I am sure I won't get to the computer much this next week either!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday Studies...
And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive a hin:
And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be a holy anointing oil.
This oil was to be used to anoint the tabernacle of the congregation, the ark of the testimony, vessels, candlesticks, alter, laver, ... you get the picture. A lot of oil everywhere. There was alot of pomp and ceremony around it all. They were to be sanctified-set apart- for the purpose of the service to the Lord. There was a warning to not use it wrongly or to copy it.
So what is the oil? A mixture after the art of apothecary sounds so very medicinal and scientific!
I love google!
First Pure myrrh- A bitter herb which "bleeds" a resin when broken. The plant is very fragrant, and was one of the gifts brought to Jesus by the wise men. I have read that this gift speaks to his office as a prophet, and the verse "man of sorrow" may be significant in relating the bitter trait of this herb. One fact I found interesting is unlike most other resins, myrrh expands and "blooms" when burned instead of melting or liquefying. (see link)
Next, sweet cinnamon- This we know is very fragrant... and tasty! The bark near the roots of this herb is what we use. The branches stand upright and are very strong, and they are stripped and allowed to dry into what we know to be sticks. The shoots are encouraged by cutting the tree very near the ground, and thus causing many little shoots that can be harvested. This (coppicing) actually causes the tree to be more fruitful than if left alone, and the tree will never die of old age. Another interesting thing is it can be harvested only after heavy rains when the bark is soft enough to cut.
Thirdly, sweet calamus- It is a wetland plant that had long, thin, very fragrant leaves. There is a main vein through the entire length of it, with many secondary and even more tertiary veins. It also has been banned in by the USDA for its drug properties. It is quite an effective psychotropic drug.
Last herb, cassia- This is very much like cinnamon, but a little more pungent, and used more for spicy dishes. It comes from a shrub that has little yellow flowers that hang down from the branches, and bark that dries into sticks so hard they are nearly impossible to grind. (It is recommended to only buy it pre ground!)
Finally, olive oil- The ingredient that holds it all together. Olive oil is pressed out, and it allows all the qualities of the ingredients to blend together and become useful. A bunch of dried and gritty spices aren't of much use until compounded after the art of the apothecary. Very neat stuff. Another note, olive oil was the fuel used in the lampstands in the tabernacle.
So, we take the bitter, fragrant, sweet, non-consumed, main vein-fed, upright, humble, tender yet strong, and blend it all together with oil that has been pressed from the fruit.
I found many practically applicable things in this study. I need to be humble like the little yellow flowers, bowing down off the cassia branches. When tried, I need to bloom like myrrh and not be consumed. I need to be willing to be cut down over and over that I will produce more fruit... and never die! I must remain tapped into the main vein, like the leaf of sweet calamus. Jesus Christ, my source of water and nutrients. Above all I need to be immersed in the infusing properties of the Holy Spirit. The indwelling part of the Godhead. That gift from God that is with me always.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
My name from around the world!
Names really mean alot- mine is a derivative of Jane, and means "God is Gracious"!
Go here if you want your own!~
Thursday, September 13, 2007
5 Minutes of Fame!
Well, the reasons I love home schooling have just increased!
We had a great day today on the SET OF A MOVIE!!
A great friend called and asked if we would like to be extras on a movie set that was going to be shooting today at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. "The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry". How could I resist? My son, the good boy that he is,
The scene is set in the 70's, so I think the worst part was the "Geeky" cut-off jean shorts that were, well, SHORT! Those little knobby knees haven't seen the light of day since his early diaper wearin' years and he wasn't too sure he wanted them first re-exposed to potentially millions! (OK, maybe hundred thousands!) He was again thrilled at the mustard-yellow-extra-sheer button down shirt and maroon high top sneakers! The hat was, in his words, just tolerable! I thought he looked adorable, but I was 11 in the 70's, so I may have been reliving my childhood a little! I surely would have been twitterpated at the sight of such a cutie! Anyhow!
The coolest thing is... he got mic'd and had to memorize a line!
"Neither do I"
That was the line! It may very well be his first steps on the road to fame!
It for sure won't be because of the wardrobe!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My career as a "mid wife" !
I have a great friend with whom I share so many bonds, but puppies are perhaps our most unique! We were up ALL NIGHT last night whelping three adorable little Maltese pups. Two boys, and a teeny 'lil girl. What a night! I went there at midnight, and the task was completed by 4:30- I was exhausted! (I know Bella did all the work, but I could remember all too well...!) We didn't have the scale quite ready-Really! who could juggle it with all the coffee drinking and dental floss to tie off the cords... not to mention the nail polish to paint the little toesies of the one boy to distinguish him from his brother- but they couldn't be more than 4 ounces! So-o tiny!
Puppies or not, new life entering the world is always an exciting thing! More to come on puppies, as we will be breeding our own little Havanese, Molly, soon enough! Can't have a pet unless it pays it's own way, I say! She will have a Shih-Tsu for her hubby.
ShiVanese's! Or HavaTsu's?
I don't know! Whichever one will fetch me a better price! If you have an opinion on the "breed mix" name choice... let me know!
A Handy Little Chart...!
YOU SAY ------------------------- GOD SAYS ---------------------------------- BIBLE VERSES
You say: "It's impossible"--------- God says: All things are possible----------(Luke
You say: "I'm too tired"------------God says: I will give you rest----------------(Matthew
You say: "Nobody really loves me"-God says: I love you--------------------(John
You say: "I can't go on"--------God says: My grace is sufficient-------- (II Corinthians 12:9-10, Psalm91:15) -
You say: "I can't figure things out"-- God says: I will direct your steps ----- (Proverbs 3:5- 6)
You say: "I can't do it"-------- God says: You can do all things-------------- (Philippians
You say: "I'm not able"---------- God says: I am able ------------------- (II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: "It's not worth it"-----God says: It will be worth it------------ (Roman
You say: "I can't forgive myself"---God says: I Forgive you-------- (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: "I can't manage"----- God says: I will supply all your needs-----Philippians
You say: "I'm afraid"--------God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear--- (II Timothy 1:7)
You say: "I'm worried and frustrated"-God says: Cast all your cares on ME-------(I Peter 5:7)
You say: "I'm not smart enough"-- God says: I give you wisdom--------------- (I Corinthians
You say: "I feel all alone"-------God says: I will never leave you or forsake you- (Hebrews 13:5)
I think I am going to make this into a poster. After I figure out how to fix the layout!Monday, September 10, 2007
Mission InProgress Monday #3 (and Sunday studies...)
For my Mission Monday, I have a huge testimony of the Goodness of God! I had to work Saturday, and was talking with a fellow co-worker who is also a young Christian lady. We have many friends in common, and I was asking about so and so, or this couple. Some of the states of these others was nothing short of a need for Divine healing and restoration. (Or Salvation! "Ye shall know them by their fruit"... and there is NONE!)
We were talking- mind you this is at a major retailer, on the sales floor and I tell you it was so quiet- for 30 minutes uninterrupted! While we were conversing, a fellow unsaved co-worker was in the conversation and couldn't understand our tone of woe with regard to these people. One just moved in with her boyfriend, another is raising her out-of-wedlock child in a city apartment, and another has found her "life partner" at the age of 19, and thinks she has just made it! YIKES! These are people from families that are CHURCHED! (notice I did not say strong Christians, though a few are, others aren't)
The fellow co-worker commented that she thought these were fine choices if they wanted to make them, and my saved friend said "the way we were brought up, you just don't do these things". She was very cautious, (for obvious reasons-we were actually supposed to be working...) which is where the Lord moved in! (exit saved friend!) I was able for 20 more minutes ask her very provoking questions, like what is her standard for right and wrong? Did she believe the Bible is an authority in her life? Has she obeyed the ten commandments? She really got it all, the whole 9 ton dump truck just backed up and unloaded... and it was great! She never once felt put on the spot, but she really understood the implications of all the Lord was showing her.
She was trying to get away from actually having to make a decision in her life. I explained that in America, most people make the mistake and think they start this life out going to heaven, and they have to be really bad to change it. I told her according to the Bible, all people start out going to hell. She was a little shocked! Then I asked her if two people were really in love, and made all of the wedding plans, got to the church, walked down the aisle, looked really nice and smiled at each other, but never verbally spoke their words of commitment to one another, would they be married in the eyes of the law? After a moment of thought, she said "No, they wouldn't" (very good!) I said he had proposed, but unless they spoke vows of commitment and signed the marriage certificate, it would be incomplete in the eyes of the law.
Enter Rom 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
I told her God proposed 200 years ago. Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for her sin. If she chose to accept it, she needed to repent, confess with her mouth, and the covenant would be signed by the blood of Christ- paying for her sin. She would take his name and be called a Christian. She became so quiet, and her eyes looked straight at me without blinking. I didn't know what to do! A few moments passed, and I asked her if she understood it all. "Yes" was her reply, and then she said "I have a lot to do tonight", and I know she wasn't talking about laundry!
I had already violated retail laws #1, 2 and 3... No proselytizing on the retail floor, no unproductive man hours, and no one stays past scheduled time. She was 20 minutes over her time and had to leave. The manager on duty happened to be a few feet away listening to the whole thing, and thank God he is a fellow Christian and was praying for her all the while. (that means I didn't get fired!)
How does this qualify as a Monday Mission post? I am in my Jerusalem, and need to testify of Christ here, before God will ever give me more responsibility.
Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
I cannot tell you how much I have learned about boldness for Christ from the teens that I minister to every Sunday. Many have a God-given inhibition about talking to others. They witness in College English classes, on the skate park in town, to their friends in public school. I love to hear the testimonies! They encourage me to get involved in what the Lord is doing! He is searching for someone who is willing, sanctified, ready to be anointed! ( my Sunday Study topic!)
2Ch 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
The Lord will equip me, and fill me with what to say if I have been faithful to put it in in the first place. I must read, study, and pray for opportunity. The rest is all God!
1Jo 2:27-28 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
I am sorry for the lengthy post, I didn't realize how long due to all of the interruptions for math, geography and science questions!
Some prayer requests!
~ Boldness for the Gospel of Christ in my Jerusalem!
~ Salvation decision for Ms Jones, my coworker
~ The three girls that prompted the whole discussion. Their Salvation or restoration! God knows!
Friday, September 7, 2007
The daily battle... my sin
May I learn to crucify my flesh and the thoughts of doubt and fear that go with it!
Here I am Lord and I'm drowning
In Your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me
I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where
You found me
And it echoes in my mind
Keeps me awake tonight
I know You've cast my sin as far
As the East is from the West
And I stand before You now
As though I've never sinned
But today I feel like I'm just one mistake away
From You leaving me this way
Jesus, can You show me just how far the East is from the West?
Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
Come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
Cause You know just how far the East is from the West
From one scarred hand to the other
I start the day, the war begins
Endless reminding of my sin
Time and time again
Your truth is drowned out by the storm I'm in
Today I feel like I'm just one mistake away
From You leaving me this way
Jesus, can You show me just how far the East is from the West?
Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
Come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
Cause You know just how far the East is from the West
From one scarred hand to the other
I know You've washed me white
Turned my darkness into light
I need Your peace to get me through
To get me through this night
I can't live by what I feel
But by the truth Your word reveals
And I'm not holding onto You
But You're holding onto me
You're holding onto me
Jesus, You know just how far the East is from the West
I don't have to see the man I've been
Come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest (mercy I find rest)
Cause You know just how far the East is from the West
From one scarred hand to the other
(Just how far, the East is from the West, Just how far)
From one scarred hand to the other
(You know just how far, the East is from the West, Just how far)
From one scarred hand to the other
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
"All the Days of Her Life"
One evening after Bible Study in our home, four of the teen girls were sitting at the table talking about
The Lord really performed a miracle that night! I went to my home school hutch, and got out four blank dollar store journals. Now, mind you, I do not usually have these things on hand! I "just happen" to see them a few weeks before, and they were just so neat- I had to get them! (Think "Jesus made me"!) I tossed the journals onto the table and said to the girls... "pick one!" They had no idea what I was doing, frankly I was unsure where this whole thing was going! I began to ask them if they thought they would marry some one younger than they were. They all replied "no", and then I began to make them realize that their husband, if they were to marry, was born and living somewhere in the world... right now!
Can I tell you, they all were shocked at the thought!
I then asked them if they were a fly on the wall viewing him, would they like to see him doing what they were not two seconds prior doing? They were appalled at the thought, and thought he would be such a jerk, and they weren't really saying things that terrible... !!! You get the point!
Enter Proverbs 31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
I explained the journal was to be a record of prayers to God for their husbands. Pray for him, his family, his salvation, his health. Pray he has a good education, and a good church, and youth group to attend. Pray he journals, and dates the entries. Can you imagine knitting together you lives even if you don't meet until after college?
Girl: "Hey, did you write around July 15, 2007?"
Boy:" Yeah! We went camping at Letchworth that week!"
Girl:"What? No way!!! So did we!"
The girls were so excited at the thought of praying for them! They felt like they could directly have an impact on their own future right now! Not only did it encourage them to think about the future, it made them realize that today they were "packing" their potential baggage that would be brought into the relationship! Whew! The conversation changed and quick! Thank you God!
I then told them this was to be looked at as a gift to give him on their honeymoon. What a gift! To know that he was prayed for many times over, and for years! Wow!
Relevance to others?
Do you have someone in your life that you care about? Would you think a journal filled with prayers for them would be a special gift? What about a Bible that was read with a certain child/friend in mind, and notes written on the side when the Lord impressed a passage in your heart? What a gift of time and love that would be.
Amazing how much one little verse can generate! I now know of about 16 girls that journal prayers for their husbands. Very cool!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Monday "Mission InProgress" #2
In preparing for the mission field in Africa, I have natural curiosities, concerns, wonders, but more on my mind is not where I (we!) will be going, but who may not be.
We have 5 children and the two oldest are now 16 and 13. If we follow our expected time line, O. will be 20 and J. will be 17- plenty old enough to make some life choices for themselves. Understandably they would be very burdened to live "home" in the states without their parents, but I know several families where this has been the exact case. One of my best friends growing up was "head of her household" at 17 when her parents went to the mission field. This is my biggest concern! I know God had all of this in his mind, and has actually seen the future as past, but that still doesn't stop this mothers heart from praying-praying-praying!
When we took our trip to Zambia last November, we brought these two children along. The sole reason for their going, was to whet their appetite for the field. They both loved the whole experience, and actually cannot wait to go back. I have asked them both for at least one year with us on the field. Put off college, ministry at Encounter, marriage (?!), and plan to be with us our first year on the field. They have both agreed... for now!
I realize much can and does change in the lives of our children. I sometimes wish God called us (or we heeded the call?) when our children were very small like JulieMom. I don't question the plan of God- I just don't understand His big plan. (I know, I am not supposed to... ) I realize also that God may give us great peace about leaving them here for something we may not even see right now! This is my most frequent prayer about our ministry as missionaries. We should not neglect our family- this is our first ministry! I know God is faithful and has it all in the palm of his hand. I just pray my children develop a great trust for Him, and a tender spirit to His leading.
Some prayer requests!!
~ For our children to walk in truth and wisdom, and the salvation of the younger kids
~ That we as parents will live our lives joy filled and above reproach before our children
~ That God would go before and prepare the way for our children if they are in the US without us
~For continued direction about our field
p.s. As an irony in the whole thing... We are invited to a big family picnic today. (Not our blood family, we have been adopted by them!) D. has to work- no surprise Mr. Retail Job man that he is. But O. and J. were at the last minute invited to a Red Wings game with friends... for free! Of course they are going! ... That leaves me and the three little ones at the picnic. I think God knows I need a long preparation time, and does it slowly enough that I hardly realize it! He is SO GOOD!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sunday Studies
We named our first daughter Olivia after the olive tree which symbolizes peace. She truly is a peace bringer, as well as a peace maker. The only exceptions being her brothers... sometimes!
Getting to the point!
There is a passage of scripture that always makes me smile inside. I know I will be looked at as weird because it is quite allegorical (which I usually don't even get!), but also because no one will get how I jump from this passage, to my particular place of study. Really, it is a series of small, understandable steps! OK here is the passage!
Judges 9:8 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.
:9 But the olive tree said unto them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?
:10 And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us.
:11 But the fig tree said unto them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees?
:12 Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us.
:13 And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?
:14 Then said all the trees unto the bramble, Come thou, and reign over us.
:15 And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.
Now I just like this passage!~
The trees want a king, and the littlest of them all, (after being the last considered!) says trust in my shadow or I actually just might possess the ability to destroy you all! What tree could possibly get anything from a bramble? Now I know this is referring to Abimelech, and how he was nothing compared to the nobility and all, but God chose to use trees in his parable, and I like it!
Now what, you may ask, is the topic I am studying? Why, anointing, of course! Considering the fact a king would have it done to him to show his place, and one who is ill would be anointed by a believer to be healed of God, it must be a vital topic. We receive anointing as well - to do the work of Jesus. The anointing of the Holy Spirit. He uses fresh oil and rubs it into the fabric of our soul. Oil that can only be gotten from pressing; in the trials in this life - in the denial of self. Just like the oil that comes from an olive- from the tree that is the symbol of peace.
I hope someone was able to follow all of this thinking. If not, just pray for me! More to come, I am sure!
I also welcome doctrinal guidance, as long as people are nice!